Alright, so I had a bad morning. It was busy. I was running around the house like a crazy person. Moral of the story: I forgot my notes for SYTYCD. I know. So sad. Needless to say, it won’t be until I get home from work today that I get to post my thoughts on what happened. In the meantime, watch the dances. I found them all but Ricky’s.
Guest Judge: Neil Patrick Harris (I always refer to him as Doogie Howser. Does that date me too much?)
Announcements: Next week, it’s a new batch of All Stars!
Jordan and AS Brandon
Melanie and Pasha
Sasha & AS Twitch
Tad & AS Comfort
Marko & AS Chelsie
Caitlynn & AS Pasha
Jess & AS Kathryn
Clarice & AS Robert
Mitchelll & AS Melody
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