I love audiobooks. With my busy life, it’s really the only way I can read right now. It’s convenient—I can read anywhere doing anything. They can make heavier or more complicated books readable. (the Wingfeather Saga for my kiddos, the Wheel of Time series for me, the Dune Series for my hubby, etc). And if you have a good narrator, the book comes alive. The popularity of audiobooks is growing too. I don’t know the exact stats, but I know that more and more are listening to them.
As an author, my main goal is to get my book into as many hands as possible, in as many formats as possible. I have physical books and eBooks. My current series is being translated into Spanish. What I’m missing are audiobooks. But have you looked at the cost of producing them? Hiring a narrator and an audio engineer adds up quickly.
Good thing for me I love learning new things. I love working hard and seeing the fruits of my labor. And heck, I wrote the dang books and no one is going to know them better…so why don’t I give it a try?
And thus, my new obsession was born.
This new blog series is going to follow my journey of creating an audiobook; my struggles, successes, resources and tools I’ve found useful. If you’re an author who has been toying around with recording your own audiobook, then hang out over here and see if there’s anything you can learn. I’ll try and make regular updates (but life is busy over here in Idaho, so they may not be too regular).
I’m working on setting up a storefront on Amazon so I can put all the amazing things I find on it so The tools I’ve found useful are in one convenient location for you guys, so keep an eye out for that.
Also, make sure you sign up for my newsletter so you can get updates on books, projects, and fun little snippets that are happening in my world. I promise you won’t be bombarded. I also promise that when you sign up, you’ll get a FREE copy of my novella, Heir, that’s part of my YA Dystopian series. Caste is the first book in the series and it’s available wherever you get you books for only $0.99! So enjoy ;) It’s also the one I’m currently turning into an audiobook.
Happy writing (and reading) my friends!